Lembram-se do sumo que partilhei há uns tempos, onde prometi tentar aproveitar a polpa para cozinhar algo? Deu origem a uma sopa divinal! Para um almoço/jantar rápido e light e a acompanhar uma tartine de egg benedict e abacate com muito sumo de limão e pimenta! Um achado é o que vos digo!
Remember that juice wich I promissed to use the pulp for some recipe? Well it came up with a divine soup! For a light lunch/dinner, served with a delicious egg benedict&avocado pumpernickel tartine with lots of lemon juice and lots of freshly ground pepper! It is awsome! That's what I'm telling you!
Remember that juice wich I promissed to use the pulp for some recipe? Well it came up with a divine soup! For a light lunch/dinner, served with a delicious egg benedict&avocado pumpernickel tartine with lots of lemon juice and lots of freshly ground pepper! It is awsome! That's what I'm telling you!
* Polpa de sumo de vegetais (os que quiserem, mas nesta usei cenoura, pepino, couve, espinafre, salsa e aipo)
* 2 cebolas
* 1/2 Couve-flor (para engrossar, mas também podem usar 1 batata grande)
* Bróculos (um molho)
* Sal qb
* Pimenta qb
* Azeite qb
Cozer todos os legumes juntamente com a polpa do sumo e passar tudo com a varinha mágica até obter um creme. Adicionar os bróculos aos pedaços e deixar cozer até estarem tenros. Temperar a gosto e adicionar o azeite no fim.
* 1 fatia de Pumpernickel (pão alemão)
* 1 ovo
* 1 abacate pequeno
* sumo de 1/2 limão
* pimenta preta fresca qb
* sal qb
Retirar a polpa do abacate e misturar o sumo de meio limão, sal grosso e pimenta fresca moída a gosto. Estrelar o ovo numa frigideira anti aderente sem qualquer gordura adicionada ( deixar aquecer bem a frigideira, colocar o ovo e tapar com uma tampa com o lume no mínimo para criar vapor. Estará pronto quando a película branca se formar em torno do ovo) temperar com sal e pimenta a gosto. Colocar o creme de abacate na fatia de Pumpernickel e colocar o ovo por cima.
* Vegetable juice pulp (whatever you want, I used carrot, cucumber, kale, spinach, parsley and celery)
* 2 onions
* 1/2 cauli flower
* Broccoli
* Sea salt
* Pepper
* Olive oil
Bring all the ingredients (except the broccoli) into a boil until they're cooked. Blend it all till you get a smooth creamy texture and add the brocolli. Cook it until the broccoli get tender.
Season with salt and pepper and finish it with a little bit of olive oil.
* 1 slice of Pumpernickel bread
* 1 egg
* 1 small avocado
* juice of 1/2 lemon
* freshly ground pepper
* Sea salt
Take out the avocado pulp and mix it with the lemon juice. Season it with sea salt and ground black pepper. Bake the egg on a non stick pan (let pan warm up and add the egg, cover with a lid and let it cook untill the egg gets a white coat). Season with sea salt and pepper. Frost the pumpernickel slice with the avocado cream and place the egg on top.
Take out the avocado pulp and mix it with the lemon juice. Season it with sea salt and ground black pepper. Bake the egg on a non stick pan (let pan warm up and add the egg, cover with a lid and let it cook untill the egg gets a white coat). Season with sea salt and pepper. Frost the pumpernickel slice with the avocado cream and place the egg on top.
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